Hands-on Atraumatic Extractions, Bone Grafting and Intro to Implant Placement

This course provides the long-awaited blueprint for extreme dental success. It is the course your members are looking for. Dr. Rasner combines lecture, visual aids, and plenty of hands-on time to provide the knowledge and experience your members need to bring their new skills home. The most lifelike models available ensure that attendees are prepared to offer these procedures to their patients. Dr. Rasner will also include the case presentation skills and low-cost marketing techniques that marry perfectly with these skills. Below is a brief description of what you can expect in a two-day course. Dr. Rasner can modify this to emphasize a particular aspect that your members are asking about.

In this two day residency, expect to learn:

  • Safe patient selection and red flags
  • Antibiotic coverage
  • Oral sedation protocol
  • Atraumatic extraction techniques
  • Socket grafting
  • Review of angiogenesis
  • Connective tissue grafts
  • Introduction to surgical implants
  • Suturing: interrupted, continuous, horizontal & vertical mattress
  • Case presentation and fees
  • Powerful marketing techniques to complement these skills

During the Hands-On Clinic, each doctor will:

  • Demonstrate envelope, three and four corner, and split-thickness flap designs
  • Remove teeth in a number of clinical scenarios, including teeth broken to the gingiva; teeth adjacent to “delicate” teeth (ie. anterior crowns); teeth in lingual version; and teeth in crowded dentition
  • Select and demonstrate proficient use of appropriate armamentarium (elevators, Physics Forceps vs. conventional) to remove sectioned teeth
  • Demonstrate the latest recommendations for materials, membranes and stabilization of grafts
  • Practice the four necessary suturing techniques

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